Welcome to my JS Craftsman's Workshop!
This is a lightweigtht website that I use as my personal JS workshop to hack on different JS projects and ideas.
Integer to Roman (12)
This challenge requires you to write a function that takes in a number and spits back out the roman numeral equivalent. At first it sounds pretty simple, but of course roman numerals have this weird thing they do for numbers like 4 and 9 and many others where the first numeral is smaller than the next signifying that you have to subtract the current numeral from the next one. For example if you have the number 4, you don't write it as 'IIII' but instead it's 'IV'.
H-Index (274)
The 'H-Index' problem is a fascinating exercise in array manipulation. It involves finding the largest 'h' value in an array, where 'h' is defined as the number of elements in the array that are greater than or equal to 'h'.
Valid Palindrome (125)
The 'Valid Palindrome' problem is a fascinating exercise in string manipulation. It asks to determine whether a given string is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.
Length of Last Word (58)
The 'Length of Last Word' problem is a classic string manipulation challenge. It asks to find the length of the last word in a given string, making it an intriguing test of parsing and navigating strings.
Roman to Integer (13)
Diving into the world of ancient Rome with the 'Roman to Integer' problem! This challenge is all about converting Roman numerals into their integer equivalent. A fun twist on traditional number conversion problems, it combines string manipulation with a touch of historical math.